The Plot
Picture it: you’re a young writer who has just finished writing his first novel. Now it’s time to party, right? Not so fast! You just found out you have to completely rewrite it, and you only have 8 days to do so! Impossible? Not if you have your own characters by your side – but will you be able to satisfy their weird demands?
In “The Deadline,” a Visual Novel developed by NDE Visual you will take on the role of Ramfis, a wannabe writer in his twenties with a mess of a life, and you’ll have the chance (and duty) to rewrite his novel according to your choices. But to do so, you’ll have to face the judgement… of your own characters! Are you ready to endure Scott’s annoying blabbering, Dee Dee’s terrifying threats, Barry’s disgusting jokes, and Elizabeth’s witty banter? And in the end, will you be able to write a novel that pleases everyone?
Why should you try it:
If you ever, at least once in your life, thought about writing a novel, “The Deadline” will let you realize your dreams! As Ramfis, you will live through the joys and sorrows, hopes and frustrations of a young writer in the grip of his own characters, subjected to their tribulations and ambitions.
And if you don’t care much about writing, fear not: with the colorful cast and absurd situations into which the poor writer will be dragged, laughter will not be scarce!
Who made it:
NDE Visual is a side-project of the digital publisher Nativi Digitali Edizioni, partially funded through Progetto IncrediBol!, a project by the Emilia-Romagna region and the municipality of Bologna.
Marco Frullanti (Team Management, Marketing, Translation) and Annalia Scarafile (Production, Graphics and Sounds) teamed up with Velia Alvich, Alessio Filisdeo, Gianluca Malato, Ilaria Pasqua e Maria Scarafile (Script Writing), Elisa de Bellis (Italian Proof Reading), Samantha Lienhard (English Proof Reading), Matteo Candita (Programming) and Cristiana Leone (Sprites and Backgrounds).